Now's the Time for Some Hot Cool Running

Now is the time for some hot races. Or rather, here are a few hot races in cool places. Either way, break out the new running shoes, the hip-swaying music and head out into the wild blue!

The Hood to Coast Relay; the longest relay in the Northwest some may say. After hearing a few friends talk about it, I of course went home late one night and Googled it. I found this article talking about a brand blunder regarding the race itself from a brand strategist, but also a race fan. that's the power of social media screwing you over twice. Still sounds interesting...

What's better than off-road running, featuring lots of mud and more than 15 challenging obstacles, all for the price of $60?? A kick-ass post race party that is sure to be as dirty and delicious as the race itself. Dubbed the "Mudathlon Series," in Chicago and Indianapolis, the very idea of "running amuck" sounds simply irresistible.

Any one (or all if you have the balls) of the Rock 'n Roll marathon series races are worth the pain. Not that the race itself will push you over the edge, but the races tend to take place at times and locations OF WAY TOO MUCH FUN. So, there, I warned ya. Plus, if you decide to take up the Vegas challenge (I am) then you no doubt will have to stop in at the World Famous Gold and Silver Pawn Shop (I AM!! I AM!!) to meet the gang, try not to kiss Chumlee in front of your boyfriend (or really, go ahead...there is no way a boyfriend would get jealous of Chumlee. Unless he is the type of boyfriend that may get jealous of you getting to smooch on the likes of such a lee-like-chum...hmmm) And while you are out that way, make sure one of your pit stops is the Red Rock Running Company. The only thing I purchased there was "magic beans," I'll call them because magically I could eat them after a night of pillaging and overindulgent partaking, take a short nap by the pool and head out onto the ever-entertaining boardwalk for a two hour run before starting the destruction all over again. I think I bought - and consumed - five bags of sports beans for a three day trip...

Of course, I would be remiss not to disclose my personal favorite; the Bank of America Chicago Marathon...wa-hoo!...set for Sunday, October 10. Gulp. I'm totally ready. Ready to take a nap and eat a bag of chips, perhaps, but ready for a full-on 26.2 miles of marathoning bliss? Ummmm...I gotta few months, yes?!?!

This year celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the Maui Marathon. Hawaii, that is. 'Nuff said...


  1. Mustn't forget the big marathon this weekend in good ol' Champoo-Banana .... goes right through our neighborhood ... I'll be waving from the sidelines.


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