Amusing Tales and A-Holes
Amusing Tales and A-holes
Laid off? Here is an interesting article that pokes fun at those laid off, their kids, kids in general and prom season. Titled, "Laid Off? Prepare For Your Kids To Turn Into Assholes, Says 'Emotional Intelligence' Expert," it takes a stab at emotional intelligence and all that is wonderful about being intelligent and emotional and frankly, being able to afford a prom dress during these tough economic times. It's a little whacky, but a good read nonetheless.
Here is an article detailing how General Motors will stop making Hummers. Titled, "Decisions to Stop Making Hummers Saddens Assholes," it's tongue in cheek but anyone who knows anyone who drives a Hummer also knows an asshole. Maybe they are the same person. Maybe not. All I'm saying...
Speaking of a-holes and f bombs, check out this story on CNET that includes email exchanges between a VP of an entertainment company and a disgruntled customer. It seems Evergreen Entertainment got a note from a theater goer that was unhappy she went to the show. She detailed her complaints and sent off the email. The VP, Steven Payne, fired back with an arsenal of profanity and offensive wit and then quickly sent another more apologetic email pretty much asking for her to delete the first response. But it's too late. The damage is done. This story illustrates a real danger when it comes to using social media when emotions are involved. Of course, it also illustrates how closely tied to social media we are becoming. So this is yet another example in my long line of examples that show how no one is perfect and everyone is human. The real fact is that humans are emotional and social media has the power to turn into "emotional media" if we are not careful. Or rather, if we are careful. More to come on this topic, I promise...
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