Cupcakes and Cocktails in Chicago
So it's official. Cupcakes and cocktails should be a national holiday.
Don't believe me? Hop onto Twitter and just ask @heartbreakcuppy. It's a site dedicated to aiding the achy breaky hearted through devine sugary delight. Also see @cupcakeblog and @cupcakes for more cupcakery. And @sugarbabys in Houston, @myretrocupcakes for 50's inspired cakes and @simplycupcakes in Naples, too. @sascupcakes in N.C. ships to your door and @britishcupcakes sell cakes out of the U.K.
Or pop into any of the fine cupcakery establishments in the Chicago area. There is Swirlz cupcakes, with the fine tagline of "Cupcakes make people happy!" Who among us can disagree with that?
Then there is the Bleeding Heart bakery; offering up totally yummy local, sustainable punk rock pastry; minus tha bacon, of course.
Convinced? Vote for Cupcakes and Cocktails to make it official. After all, it should be a national holiday.
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